Saturday, May 16, 2020

French and Indian War Provoked the American Revolution Essay

The French and Indian war was the event that provoked the American Revolution. The French and Indian war or Seven years war, lead to certain events that caused Americans to realize that their English liberties were being denied. The French and Indian war caused debts among the British. The British realized that during the war the income from the colonies was insufficient (document F). After the war, the British needed certain ways in which to gain revenue. They imposed taxes on the Colonists. These taxes, in turn, caused a stir among Americans. The Stamp Act was a tax imposed on the colonists without representation (document H). Their liberties as English citizens were being denied. Radical Whigs would go as far to say it†¦show more content†¦Radical Whigs saw this as a conspiracy because the French did not have rule by law or trial juries. French were Catholic, and Americans saw this as a deal between the corrupt papacy and King George to return to Catholicism. This caused more unrest in the colonies. There were also many reluctant revolutionaries. Americans considered themselves English and thought they deserved the same rights as Englishmen. Governors and Generals did not believe Americans were Englishmen. They treated the Americans badly. William Pitt’s policy of impressments upset many Americans. He took men off boats and forced them into the army where they were not treated like Englishmen. He also seized supplies for his men from American citizens. However, Americans did not want to secede from Britain. Benjamin Franklin, a reluctant revolutionary, believed that Americans should have English rights but should still be loyal to the Crown (document F). After the French and Indian war, permanent troops were stationed in America because Britain felt America needed more protection. Americans were forced to house these troops. Americans felt their liberties as Englishmen were being undermined. They thought that they should not have to house troops they did not want there in the first place. Radical Whigs thought it was a conspiracy because once troops were stationed in the colonies Britain would easily be able to haveShow MoreRelatedEssay On The Causes Of The French And American Revolution1061 Words   |  5 PagesThe American, French, Haitian, and Mexican revolutions are epitomes of responsible citizens advocating for social and political upheaval in hopes of saving and furthering their states. These revolutions, more than others, exemplify nations that rebelled against governments which maliciously abused their power. The American Revolution focused on achieving independence from Britain, as Britain abused their power by unfairly taxing colonists. 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